Statistics 108
Tutorials are not compulsory but they are a good idea so you should just turn up! There are different times you can choose from.
On Campus times in Room 303-G14
11am, 12pm, 2pm
Online times:
Thursday 3pm
(please check your Stats Canvas page for more details during lockdown)

Computer help
Ask the demonstrators in the Statistics computer lab for help with iNZight, VIT, SPSS and Excel. The Lab is in room 303S-B91 (in the basement of 303S). (Helpful map)
Monday to Friday 10am -3pm and
Online: For details about how to access online computer help go to Canvas: Modules — Help available—Computer Lab
Stats108 advice
Kane provides helpful advice for STATS 108.
Assistance room
The assistance room is for support with lecture material, assignments, tests and exams.
On Campus:
Hours: Monday to Friday 10am -1pm (from Monday 26th July).
Room: 302-170 in the Science Centre Building (This room is in the corner of the building where Wellesley St and Symonds St intersect)
Hours: Monday to Friday 1-3pm (from July 26th)
Please check Canvas for further details on how to access this.
How to study for statistics tests and exams
- Multi choice questions are easy…
- MCQ are used to trick us…
- You just have to memorise facts…
Myth busters
Multi choice tests are not easy because they involve in depth understanding of concepts and processes. Even though the correct answer is in the list, you can get distracted by common misconceptions and confusing wording.
Learning statistics by using active techniques like solving problems. Passive browsing and highlighting are not enough.
For each chapter
Step 1: Complete the workbook gaps. Attend the lectures or watch the lecture recordings. Revise your notes.
Step 2: Try the challenges and sample test questions from the blue pages
Step 3: Do 2-3 sets of questions relevant to this chapter
Final revision
Do a mixture of problems using exam conditions. Solve new problems you haven’t see before. Check answers at the end.
Past test papers are the best way to complete your study.
Helpful resources:

Learning at university
Improve your chances of success with better time management. A study timetable is a great place to start.

Working in groups
Group projects are a common feature of university study, although they hold their own particular challenges.

Taking notes
One of the challenges of university is figuring out how to take good notes in lectures without losing track of what is being said.